Our House Concert Series continues this month with The Music of Django Reinhardt. Django was one of the greatest guitar players ever, and the father of the Gypsy Jazz style despite having only two working fingers on his left hand. His style has been imitated by generations of musicians all over the world and we are excited to share with you all the ways he has inspired us.
For those who are new to or unfamiliar with these concerts, they are planned, performed and managed by our student musicians and function to provide a creative outlet for the MAFM community. They are a great way to get involved and to take a peek inside what else goes on at MAFM. These shows are informal and fun, and attendance is a great way to support our students and our program.
When: Saturday Sept 23, 6:30pm
Cost: $10/general public or $5/MAFM youth program students and their families ($25 max family rate)
Children under 6 are free.
For Tickets: Email us at info@mifolkmusic.com for reservations, along with the number of guests (and please specify which show you'll be attending).